agasfer (agasfer) wrote,

Друг, Он Тоже Денег Стоит

...и немалых иногда.
Sikorski said Poland did not share the administration's view of the Iranian threat as sufficient reason for the missile shield, adding that "Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, even though they are geographically closer, are mentally distant" from Poland.

Warsaw's efforts, he said, were "an investment in our friendship and the unspoken transatlantic bargain. We will help you with your security concerns, provided you continue to reassure us" of the U.S. commitment to NATO and Poland's security
Смысел, в общем, в том, что мы, как и русские, считаем Буша параноиком, но ради дружбы новых ракет готовы и ноги раздвинуть пойти навстречу Большому Брату.

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