agasfer (agasfer) wrote,

На деревню бабушке

Реальная история:

Какой-то ребенок из нашей деревни писал письма "бабушке" в Форт-Мид во Флориде.

UPDT: Т к читатели за пределами США текст не видят, я копирую его под катом.


A post office in the small town of Fort Meade, Florida, is searching for someone in Greenville she doesn't know to return some heartfelt communications that were never meant for her to open — and she's asking for the public's help.

The mystery person appears to be a young child who writes occasional letters to her grandmother.


Claudia Juarez Ramirez sent photos of letters to WYFF News 4, saying, "Looking for help with some letters that were mailed to our small town of Fort Meade."

Ramirez said the town has now received two of the letters addressed simply to "Granny."

The letters have no return address, but one has the name "Melody C" where the return address should be.

Letters to Granny from Greenville

The post office in Fort Meade has asked people who live "2nd Street", and cannot find anyone with a relative in Greenville, South Carolina, Ramirez said.

The first letter was received on Oct. 20, 2020.

The second letter arrived last week on July 3. That one was even decorated with a red, white, and blue heart, "USA," and a drawing of a firework exploding.

Both are postmarked from Greenville, South Carolina.

Ramirez is hoping by contacting WYFF News 4 that someone will recognize the handwriting and the address and reach out to her.

Anyone who can help is asked to send a note to and we will pass on your information.


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    Возможна ли в Гренландии цветная революция? Если да, то как ее назовут? Ледниковая?.. Сосульковая?.. Эскимосская?..Моржовая?...

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